"I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is, I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute," said Rebecca West in 1913.

West's quote is an apt starting point for Marlene LeGates' Making Waves: A History of Feminism in Western Society (Addison Wesley, Copp Clark, 1996 $29.95), an in depth look at a complex topic. While the origins of feminism are recent, barely one hundred years old, Making Waves sets out to provide an international history of feminism, from Jesus and Joan of Arc to twentieth century figures such as Kate Millett, Simone de Beauvoir and Betty Friedan. Legates, who earned a Ph.D from Yale University, teaches in the history department at Capilano College. She is currently working on a feminist critique of marriage in Early Modern Europe.

[BCBW 1997] "Women"