Born in 1920, West Vancouver's Margaret Power gained her academic credentials as a mature student and conducted research for 12 years in order to publish one book with prestigious Cambridge University Press entitled The Egalitarians Human and Chimpanzees: An Anthropological View of Social Organization (Cambridge, New York: CUP, 1991). Powers caused a slight stir in her field when she politely but firmly challenged the fieldwork of Dr. Jane Goodall on the grounds that artificially fed chimpanzees in the Gombe and Mahale Nationial Parks in Tanzania were not exhibiting entirely natural and typical forms of behaviour because they were partially reliant on humans for their food supply. She took the position that completely undisturbed chimpanzees would exhibit slightly different behaviours. Powers nonetheless took care to clearly state her admiration for Goodall's courage, dedication, tenacity, integrity, openness and meticulous attention to detail. "I maintain my deep and sincere admiration for Dr. Goodall," she writes, "intact and unweakened, despite my different perspective."

[BCBW 2004] "Natural History"