Born in 1931, Haisla elder Beatrice Wilson was the granddaughter of Henaksiala chief Wakas (Solomon Robertson) and daughter of Nismulax (Gordon Robertson). She carries the name Li'inks of the Blackfish clan. She serves on the board of the Nanakila Institute and has been a leader in Haisla Rediscovery programmes. She travels annually to the oolichan grounds in Kemano and harvests and preserves traditional foods in season. It is this cultural knowledge that she shared in Salmonberry Blossoms in the New Year (1995), by Alison Davis with Beatrice Wilson and Brian D. Compton. [Vickie Jensen photo]


Wilson, Beatrice & Alison Davis. Salmonberry Blossoms in the New Year: Some Culturally Significant Plants of the Haisla known to occur within the Greater Kitlope Ecosystem (Kitamaat: Nanakila Press, 1995).

[BCBW 2005]